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Avoid A Disaster: Why Backup Of Your Files Is Necessary

Whether it’s business documents or family pictures, backing up your files is important. Losing any amount of data can compromise your identity, delete your family history or destroy your company. Regardless of how sensitive the files you have may be, you’d never want to lose them. 


This is where disaster recovery and backup solutions come in. Backing up your data is one of the most effective ways to ensure you’re safe from any data breach or disaster. With cybersecurity techniques you’ll not be scared if some information gets stolen or lost, as it’ll be easy to recover it.


In this article, we will explain why and how to back up your files to avoid disasters.

Why You Need to Back Up Your Files

If you have or plan to have a business / work as a freelancer, recovering from data loss may negatively affect it. Data loss may lead to lost revenue and longer downtime because you can’t operate at optimum levels. These are the main reasons why you should back up your files: 

1. Cyber-threats 

According to the University of Maryland, hackers attack every 39 seconds, which translates into 2244 times in a day. Not taking the precaution of backing up your files may expose you to these cyberhackers. 


Your business data remain exposed to malware attacks. It’s upon you to protect your sensitive information from cyber threats by backing up your data and investing in antimalware software. 

2. Natural Disasters

Even though cyber threats are the most common ways to lose your data, physical disasters can also cause the same harm. Floods, fires, disasters, and tornadoes have the power to wipe out all your data and make the recovery process extremely difficult. A safe backup then comes in handy.

3. Theft

Theft is also a common way to lose your data. Someone may steal your laptop or external hard drive containing sensitive information. It may also happen that you leave your computer at a location and forget to pick it up. 


By backing up your information regularly, property theft would no longer negatively affect your personal life or business. You’d simply recover the data from the cloud or a hard drive you had kept in a safe location. 

4. Hardware failure

If you don’t back up your data on the cloud, you may risk losing sensitive information due to hardware failure. Hard drives can malfunction due to power surges, the impact of getting dropped, or even exposure to water. The files may also get corrupted by viruses, preventing you from accessing important data. 


You’d be safe from data loss by hardware failures when you back up your files on the cloud. You’d retrieve any business information and in the process, you’ll reduce downtime and profit losses that may result from disasters. 

5. Business Continuity

When you lose data, your business may be affected in multiple ways. Your productivity may go down due to the deletion of important files that guide the day-to-day running of your business. 


Such incidences may negatively affect your industry reputation, causing you to lose existing and potential customers. They may assume you don’t have proper strategies to protect their personal and business information. So, the quicker you can recover your data and maintain normal business operations, the better your reputation will be in the industry. 

Ways To Back Up Your Data  

There are many options to back up your data. It’s good to follow the 3-in-1 rule, which involves backing up your data in three separate places. This way, when one location gets corrupted, you still have your data safe in two more areas. 

1. External hard drive 

External hard drives include USB flash drives and Solid-state drives (SSDs). They are popular because they are portable, easy to use, and carry many files. They can also be used on almost any computer. All you need is a USB cable to transport data quickly. 

2. Cloud backup 

Cloud backup allows you to store data in a remote location. Many people love this method because it enables backing up and managing data more manageable. You can also access the data anywhere, anytime, if you have an internet connection. 

Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery is your organization’s plan of regaining access and functionality in the event of disasters such as fire, floods, or cyber-attacks. Disaster recovery helps you to continue conducting business normally when you lose data.

In case something this serious happens, you’ll quickly recover the data from the areas you’d stored copies, such as the cloud and external hard drives. 


Your data is exposed to risks such as cyber-attacks, theft, and natural disasters. You can avoid these risks by backing up your data using effective techniques like cloud upload and creating a disaster recovery plan. 

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