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Who Is Diana Nyad Wife And Where Are They Now?

Very few athletes have ever set as many records in long-distance swimming as Diana Nyad has. Her most well-known accomplishments are her historic swims, which include swimming 103 miles from the Bahamas to Florida in 1979 and 28 miles around Manhattan in 1975. She again made history in 2013, decades afterward, when, at the age of 64, she swam from Cuba to Florida.

A biographical movie based on her life debuted on Netflix on November 3, 2023. Annette Bening plays Diana Nyad in the film, simply titled NYAD, while Jodie Foster plays Diana’s lifelong friend and swimming instructor Bonnie Stoll.

Diana’s love life has come to light as a result of critics and moviegoers referring to NYAD as a special kind of love story. Does the renowned swimmer have a significant other? She’s never hidden her sexual orientation, but what about her private life?

Who Is Diana Nyad Wife?

Yes, Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll have been together for a long time. They got married in 2013, not long after same-sex marriage became legal in the state of New York, after dating for eight years.

Aristotle Nyad and Diana Nyad were previously wed from 1973 to 1979; nevertheless, the marriage lasted only six years before ending in divorce. An important aspect of her life has been her long-lasting friendship with Bonnie Stoll, which has served as a source of encouragement and inspiration for the two of them.

Who Is Diana Nyad Wife
Who Is Diana Nyad Wife

Who All Are In Diana Nyad’s Family?

On August 22, 1949, stockbroker William L. Sneed Jr. and Lucy Winslow Curtis welcomed Diana Nyad into the world. Diana talked about coming out as a lesbian adult in an interview with Larry King.

Diana disclosed, at the age of 21, that she battled homophobic attitudes and society when she came out as a lesbian at her high school in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

She said that her mother supports her because she is a lesbian. Diana’s mother was immediately receptive and accommodating. Her mother also praised her for her 53-hour swim between Havana, Cuba, and Key West.

You can see the Twitter post below:

Where Are Bonnie Stoll And Diana Nyad These Days?

Diana Nyad was a star once more after being the first person to swim unaided from Havana to Florida. But there was more to the swim’s aftermath than just glamour.

Here are some other stories that are the same as this one:

Her mouth was so cut up from all the salt that she couldn’t eat anything for three weeks. She wasn’t very good at speaking, which was unfortunate because talking is the only activity she enjoys doing besides swimming. Diana’s coach was present at the swimmer’s heyday of celebrity.

“I asked for the check one night when we went out to dinner alone, and the bartender said, It’s been taken care of. He claimed that a man who paid for it to be stated “congratulations” was present. I’m not sure who did that.”

After a little while, Diana and Bonnie resumed their work, albeit without any dangerous ocean swims. Over the past ten years, the two friends and partners have collaborated on projects such as EverWalk, which was established in 2016 with the goal of encouraging people to lead less sedentary lives.

Check out the official tweet below:

Nyad is now sharing their tale with everyone around the world. What does Bonnie Stoll want people to remember about the Netflix film? “I hope they find inspiration from her story, and I hope they realize how important friendship is.”

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